February 2020

All posts from February 2020

Words have Power

Words have power! “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Prov. 18:21). The words that flow from our mouths have the power to create unity or division. Have you ever said or posted something that you wish you hadn’t? Words spoken can’t be taken back.

A friend recently told me about his family’s Thanksgiving Day dinner table “blow up.” The family was equally divided about the status of the current head of state as well as the nation’s political differences, so you can probably guess what the blow up was all about. An older brother, who had earlier given the Thanksgiving blessing, got up from the table and announced he would never return to his younger sibling’s house. The animosity will probably blow over eventually, but even when the words we speak may be forgiven, they are not easily forgotten.

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Mike SlaughterWords have Power

Who Are You Listening To?

Icon of the Transfiguration

12th century icon at Mt. Sinai (St. Catherine’s Monastery) / Wikimedia Commons

Three of Jesus’ disciples witnessed an unexplainable event on the mountain of Jesus’ transfiguration (Mark 9:2-7). I have to believe their life-altering experience wasn’t caused by the psychoactive plants and herbs used for many centuries in religious contexts for mind-altering experiences. Jesus’ appearance was “transformed in front of, and his clothes were amazingly bright.… Elijah and Moses appeared and were talking with Jesus” (verses 2, 4). A voice is heard coming from the covering of a cloud; “This is my Son, whom I dearly love. Listen to him” (verse 7).

Who are you listening to? A recent Pew Research Report found two-thirds of Americans are getting their news from social media. Ready for this? Facebook is the number one source, followed by Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat.

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Mike SlaughterWho Are You Listening To?

Representing Christ in the Face of Division

Tuesday evening’s State of the Union address was a painful demonstration of our country’s toxic divide. The President refused to shake the Speaker’s hand, and the Speaker tore up the President’s speech in a very visible display of anger. I must admit that my own tribe, the United Methodist Church, has failed to demonstrate a better way, as we are heading for a painful separation. Our behavior at last February’s special General Conference ended with police cars surrounding the building and police barricading doors.

Is it any wonder, according to Pew Research, that the numbers of nones (no religious affiliation) has grown from 15 percent in 2007 to 26 percent today? The percentage of nones is significantly higher among younger generations.

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Mike SlaughterRepresenting Christ in the Face of Division