
What is a Disciple?

(L to R) Matt Miofsky, Mike Slaughter, Rachel Billups, Lisa Yebuah, Jacob Armstrong

The meaning of the word “disciple” has been diminished through the centuries of church practice. Since Jesus first called his followers to go and make disciples of all nations, discipleship has been reduced to creedal affirmations rather than transformational practice. After 2000 years of church history Christian identity has become more formed around doctrinal distinctive and norms of morality rather than a relationship with the living Christ and commitment to his lifestyle. Our own practices have created more fans of Jesus than followers.

Over the next several weeks I will be posting short segments of interviews that I did with four impactful young pastors from around the country. These interviews are taken from the small group DVD that accompanies my latest book, Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus (Amazon or Cokesbury).

Watch Lisa Yebuah, pastor at the Southeast Raleigh Table, a campus of Edenton Street United Methodist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, respond to the question, “What is a disciple?”

Mike Slaughter, pastor emeritus and global church ambassador for Ginghamsburg Church, served for nearly four decades as the lead pastor and chief dreamer of Ginghamsburg and the spiritual entrepreneur of ministry marketplace innovations. Mike is also the founder and chief strategist of Passionate Churches, LLC, which specializes in developing pastors, church staff and church lay leaders through coaching, training, consulting and facilitation services. Mike’s call to “afflict the comfortable” challenges Christians to wrestle with God and their God-destinies. Mike’s latest book Revolutionary Kingdom: following the Rebel Jesus is available on Amazon and Cokesbury

Mike SlaughterWhat is a Disciple?
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